CV Side Effects –
Corona Covid19 Memes –
* Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) training: Simulation exercise –
* Event 201 Covid Simulation Forum Discussions –
* Senario’s for the Future of Technology and International Development –
Firefighter helping us understand oxygen levels under a mask –
WHITE PAPER OCTOBER 2020 – Resetting the Future of Work Agenda:
Video above on Bitchute:
The Fiction-Flu The Documentary – Know The Truth – Don’t Be A Covidiot! –
Need More Proof They Want To Control You? –
Covid-19 is an AMAZING virus. Key features: – cured influenza, measles, heart disease, cancers and most other diseases and abolished ‘death from natural causes’…
– it’s a smart virus, highly virulent in parks, gyms, churches and schools, outdoor playgrounds, in forests and on beaches…
– “how dare you postulate about me” says Corona to Koch….
– has no effect on the thousands of employees who work at Walmart, BigW, Target, Bunnings, home depot… and especially in liquor stores and beer stores…..
– the virus seems to target mostly mum and dad businesses and barbershops, who always have much fewer customers walk through their doors…
– the virus also targets our food chain, since it managed to close meat packing companies, and forced farmers to discard their harvest in record time…
(USA) – construction and supermarket workers have a natural immunity, but would obviously still need to be vaccinated…
– also, police uniforms hold the cure for the virus… no social distancing, not even masks are needed, as long as you wear a police uniform…
– the automotive industry union workers have a heightened immunity…
– it doesn’t affect children, except for a few who got it… same with animals…
– also, imposing mandatory cloth masks to prevent too much oxygen to people’s brains, and spraying beaches and streets with bleach, as well as spraying chemical airborne disinfectants from airplanes over densely populated areas have been known to do miracles for people’s lungs affected by this strange virus…
– we would need millions of ventilators… unless we suddenly won’t need any ventilators…
– it knows the difference between left and right… it loves violent protests, looting and the destruction of people property..
– and we need to commandeer all private hospitals to keep them open solely for the avalanche of virus victims, and the avalanche of TikTok videos by overworked hero doctors and nurses…
– categorized as an ‘invisible enemy’, one that can never be definitively beaten and always lurking in the shadows, much like the war on terror… – it loves New York too – a really cosmopolitan virus… – there is a Celebrity Strain, and a highly Deadly Strain of the virus…
– even more amazing, in Sweden you can hug your grandkids, yet the UK strain forbids that…
– in India alone, the killer virus managed to lock 1.3 billion people in their homes indefinitely, after decimating 1000 of them, within just a few short months…
– every loss of life from this virus is tragic…
however, pushing 150-500 million people into starvation worldwide is a necessary price to pay…
– experts have pointed out that this seasonal virus could easily be defeated by forever abolishing families, individual privacy, untraceable cash money, and all small independent farms and businesses…
– we all may have it by now, yet although asymptomatic, we can still infect people and test negative… or test positive… and our antibodies may, or may not give immunity…
– only a heavily government funded, hastily tested and mandatory vaccine can save us by injecting it in 7 billion people, every year, for a constantly mutating virus, the particular strain of which has long been history…
– it hates individualism in people and groups… auction off your kitchenware in support of “Skip the Dishes” & “Uber Eats” service structure… increase costs in consumer stick built structure commodities, yet no increase in steel structural hardware….
cant buy seeds, yet you can buy cases of coca-cola at the same location…. farmers markets are banned, yet you can still buy peaches from south america full of pesticides even though your region has non-GMO types in season and now have to be destroyed…
Vit C, D3 and Zinc are impossible to be found, yet there is no problem finding pharma SSRI’s, Opioids, Benzodiazepine’s, Alcohol, Cigarettes and diabetes medication for those locked in their homes..
– locked in… not being allowed to grow their own vegetables, go out into sunlight and speak with their neighbors or refinish their basements for their family/friends losing their livelihood and purpose. – the odds of testing positive is higher than being inflicted with covid itself…
– the patent for the virus vaccine was in the basement of building 7 along side Clinton’s email server and Epstein’s beta tapes..
– the virus only affects the psyche of those whom apply power to a television and base life’s decisions on breaking new information written on rolled up dead trees..
– also, be careful not to spread fake news or dangerous misinformation online about this virus… make sure you leave that to the professionals over at CBC, CTV, Global and the rest of the reliable mainstream media journalists around the world.🧟
Google: operation sea-spray Google: 11 step plan to cultural subversion Fact: corona v1 has been advertised to us. V0.9 was just a beta test. Visit – www dot fiftytwo dot icu for more information.
The “COVID” test produces false positives based on increasing the magnification factors of the viral exosome particles. (Antibodies) Everyone already has Coronavirus exosomes in their bodies as a natural part of our immune system so the results of these tests of course mean nothing which has already been proven. Furthermore, the “COVID” has never been isolated so how are they making a vaccine for a so called virus that has yet to be isolated to this day?
It is impossible to make a vaccine for something that has never been isolated. The government has been guilty of listing every death as a Covid death so their numbers are meaningless. There are less overall deaths this year than last year or previous years for which the government is fraudulently listing as COVID deaths. Furthermore, all listed so called COVID deaths have killed less people this year than the seasonal flu from previous years.
Wearing masks or face diapers does nothing to stop a virus and never has. But wearing a face mask does cut off at least 20 to 30% of your available oxygen and has been proven to cause a 5% brain loss if worn for a long period of time. Also inhaling your own carbon dioxide for long periods can lead to some serious health problems. They know this and only push wearing a mask to make people bend the knee to their Marxist demands to prepare the public to take the poisoned vaccine/mark of the beast they Including “Bill” Gates have planned for us.
There were many fake and fraudulent reports claiming hospitals were full before when they were empty so why trust what the government or Main Stream Media tells you now about hospitals being full? Nurses and doctors were being laid off and dancing on videos because of empty hospitals. What does that say? There still isn’t any increase in hospital visits even after all these months. People are sick sure but there isn’t a “pandemic of a deadly virus” All the poisoning they somehow get away through just about everything can inevitably make people sick. If you’re eating/drinking their products or even the tap water I can only hope and pray you’ll look what’s in it before consuming sorcery of the devil.
Understand if you’re sick it is actually a build up of toxicity. Treat yourself with a mega dose of Vitamin C taken in divided doses throughout the day. You can also take Potassium Iodine, Zinc, and Nano Silver. Drink plenty of clean fresh water no added “minerals”, take care of yourself, get plenty of sunlight, sleep/rest and eat right. It’s quite easy, just have to have your head on straight and not clouded by nonsense. This protocol will knock out any virus and is safe and will not make you sick like the coming Bill Gates vaccine or their twisted recommendations will.
Don’t drink/eat/use their poisons (sorcery) if you don’t wanna get sick. Medicine is medicine, drugs are not. Just like food is food unless it has crap in it that’s not. For all nations are decieved by pharmikea – sorcery – medicine • Revelation 18:23 (using greek compare and definition) The government pays the hospitals roughly $13,000 (this number does change, based in many factors, however that number in fairly accurate) to list every patient as a Covid patient whether they have a common cold or just came in from an auto accident or anything else.
Everyone is listed as a Covid patient to blow up the numbers in an effort to create an environment of fear and to pad the pockets of the hospitals with even as high of $39,000 for every patient they put on a ventilator. All by design. Just like voting. Does anyone else smell a Luciferian New World Odor(order) to push dangerous vaccines and a one world religion – leader onto humanity? Will the American people wake up to see this disgusting fraud for what it is? Will they come out of babylon? Or will they be forced to face Judgement by trusting in this wicked system? The fake virus pandemic has been exposed so now the Deep State Marxist / Communist / Kabbalist Luciferians are paying Antifa, Black Lives Matters, and other Nazi Communist organizations to start riots all over this country in an effort to burn this country to the ground. Their credo is order out of chaos.
(Freemasons) And where they succeed in removing the real police officers they will replace them with their own Nazi style UN “troops” who will police their neighborhoods through thuggery and violence and complete disregard of the Constitution. The Marxist / Communist / Kabbalists through the lies and the false indoctrination of the Mainstream Media are using the Marxist organizations such as Antifa and Black Lives Matters to start race wars in an effort to cause division in the United States officials on the national, state, and local organizations. They are allowing communities to be looted and pillaged. They’re funding the whole thing. In reality we see there are less overall deaths this year than last year so why the big government and the Luciferian World Ruling Elite push to shut everything down? It appears that it all has to do with claiming a bigger fake second wave which will occur when they turn on the 60 GHz 5G frequency transmitters in the schools, hospitals, libraries, etc which have been installed while everyone has been locked down in their homes. The 5G towers will transmit 60 GHz frequencies that will block the uptake of oxygen by the hemoglobin in the blood causing a person to die from lack of available oxygen to breathe.
The 5G Towers will also transmit other harmful frequencies such as 6 GHz to block iodine uptake for your Thyroid and overall health and 1 GHz to cause neurological problems. And there are many other harmful frequencies which will be used to target the population in order to create a plethora of health problems that will all be blamed on the COVID virus which is the Luciferians cover excuse to explain every form of health crisis and death that they have planned. New Air Conditioning systems that function by a process called Cold Plasma Reactive Oxygen Species are being installed in the schools, hospitals, and prisons.
This is by design as Cold Reactive Oxygen Species create free radicals that destroy lung tissue. So this combined with the 60 GHz frequency transmitters will create a lot of serious health problems and death. These evil Marxist / Communist / Kabbalist Luciferians will claim that these health problems and deaths in the schools, hospitals, and prisons are being caused by COVID when nothing could be further from the truth. So parents beware of sending your children back to school because these demon possessed minions want your children dead.
They are beings bound for hell that will stop at nothing until every human with a soul and a conscience is exterminated. Then the Luciferian world government will pass a law mandating forced vaccinations which have already been made which include a tracking chip, RNA factors, elements that will actually change your human DNA so that you are no longer the same human vou were before the vaccine, and lots of other sick poisonous metals and foreign substances that many people will die from in short order because their immune system will go crazy trying to rid the body of this deadly cocktail.
Those that survive the vaccine will never be the same again. They will be chipped and tracked by the 5G system that will link into their body and their nervous system and they will be controlled by the Al 5G network. But worst of all these Luciferians have put aborted baby fetal tissues into vaccines and this is on record under oath, So no one should ever take the coming vaccine that the Deep State Marxist / Communist / Kabbalist mouthpieces claim everyone will be required to take.
This vaccine combined with the weaponized 5G frequencies kill grid is the gateway to Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 which is the evil Satanic plan of the Marxist / Communist / Kabbalists to decrease the earth’s population by at least 90 to 95%. (Georgia guidestones) They are determined to destroy us and we must be MORE determined to stand in truth rather than with these demonic lunatics. There’s only one way out of here and that’s Jesus Christ, God’s Word is True! The prophecy is unfolding. Almightys Kingdom is just ahead, It’s through the tribulation. They won’t have their way completely because God is Sovereign but do not be deceived my friends. God bless you dear reader, take care and may I see you with the Lord!
Amen bro!
The snake bite if forced will have no effect but don’t willingly go along with the plan. Great website.